
“I’m sorry that I didn’t help you cook. It smells scrumptious,” I dejectedly called over to the kitchen as I finished setting the silverware.

“What! Look what you did though—You made it look like that.”

Centerpieces for the Every Day

Valentine’s Day Centerpiece

This design centered around repurposing this gorgeous magenta egg carton from our CSA, Local Roots NYC. It’s filled with some of our crystals, as well as oatstraw and burdock root from herbal infusions I’d been drinking. I was about to return them to the earth, when I was inspired to infuse our lovely dinner with their energy and teachings.

Christmas Gathering on the Winter Solstice

lights, candles, wood, magic, family


Some spaces are inherently sacred. Below are photos of some of my altars. I believe there should not be rigidity to this, it is an intentional and intuitive way of honoring.


Redesign: Peaceful Places

