Resonant Spatial Design Mentoring

Hourly Rates

Thank you for considering working with me to help reorganize your space.
This mentoring is partnership work, where we will work together to create a healing plan for your space.
I hope my mentorship will leave you feeling empowered to apply similar strategies to reorganize or redesign other spaces in your home that need new energy.

There are two hourly rates that determine the estimate for a mentoring package.
For those with a limited budget, I suggest working on a small space and then applying what you learn to larger spaces in your home.

After we speak during our free 20-minute phone consultation,
I will use the rates below to estimate total costs for the resonant spatial design and mentoring.
Please note that estimates do not equal final costs, since this depends on the actual amount of labor put into the project and mentoring.
All time spent on labor is logged as we move along in this work.

Hourly rates are below.
These rates are effective June 15, 2020.

In gratitude,



$55 downpayment, non-refundable after intake begins.

Any time over 1 hour for this is charged at the agreed upon hourly rate for Resonant Spatial Design Mentoring found below.

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Illustrated Designs Hourly Rate



Resonant Spatial Design Mentoring Rate

All other services are at the same hourly rate.
(Only “Illustrated Design” and first hour of “Intake” have differing rates.)


This rate covers the following:

  • initial assessment (synthesizing information from intake)

  • time spent on recommendations for your space, including tips for organizing belongings

  • guidance through implementation of the redesign via email, phone, video

  • remote mentoring via email, video check-ins, and phone

    • includes any post-project mentoring